Parent & Baby

Your ultimate hospital bag checklist


  4 minute read

Are you getting ready for *that* trip to the hospital? If so, congratulations on navigating what can be a challenging yet rewarding journey! While this is such an exciting time, it can also be incredibly overwhelming. But if you get this part cracked, all you need to do is focus on meeting your new arrival.


In this blog, we'll provide our essential hospital bag checklist for you, as well as for your little one as they emerge earth side! We'll also let you know about a few nice-to-have items that Bundlee parents have been grateful to have when the time comes. At the end, you'll find our downloadable hospital bag checklist PDF so you can save it to your device or print it out for safe keeping.


A detailed hospital bag checklist for mum

Hospital bag checklist for Mum - rent baby clothes

The Essentials


Your birth plan and maternity notes

Keep a list of important numbers in here too.



Something loose and comfy to wear during labour that's nice and airy and keeps you cool. A cosy nighty or a big t-shirt is perfect.


Dressing gown

Always a good idea to bring some home comfort.


Phone and charger

For contact reasons, and all important distractions during those early stages of labour if you're an avid Tik Tok or Instagram scroller...


Your own pillow

Its always a good idea to take your own pillow if you're picky about yours!


A wash bag

With your toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, soap, flannel, deodorant, hair ties and other toiletries plus any medication you’re taking.


Reusable water bottle

You’ll need a pretty much constant supply of water.


Maternity pads

These Organyc Maternity pads are a great organic option for protection and comfort you need for post-birth flows. 


Going home clothes

You want to be comfortable for your journey home so pick loose soft maternity clothes (with high waists if you are planning for a c-section).



Extra spare pairs of large knickers.


Flip flops 

For those much needed hot showers.


Lip Balm

A lot of mums comment on having sore dry lips from using the gas and air.


The nice-to-haves


It's always a good idea to make sure you're as comfortable as possible during this time, which means treating yourself to your favourite things and going a little extra too. Here are some ideas to take along with you.


Chill-out kit

Including books, music or podcasts (more for the early stages…).


A fan

Or water spray to cool you down.



You can slip these on easily if your feet get cold or to wander around the hospital in.



(Even at the hospital you deserve a little TLC).


Breastfeeding hospital checklist

Should you choose to breastfeed, here are some essentials for getting started.



2 or 3 comfortable nursing bras.


Breast pads

Using reusable pads is a really simple sustainable switch to get started with.



Front-opening nighties or pyjama tops for easy dressing and undressing.



Hospital bag checklist for your baby


Of course, its no longer just yourself who you'll be packing bags for! So here's our recommended baby hospital bag essentials.



An exciting part of meeting your new tiny person, is definitely getting those first newborn baby clothes you'll dress them in. But where to begin?


The most sustainable way to dress you baby is to rent clothes with Bundlee. Our 0 - 3 months Capsule Bundlee come with 15 quality essentials your newborn will need. You can pre-order this bundlee up to 6 months in advance, so that's part of  your nesting prep all done for you!


The clothes even come freshly sanitised - click here to find out how we wash your rented baby clothes - and in a reusable bag you can easily take straight with you to the hospital and know you’re sorted with everything your little one will need.


Watch our video below for what essentials we recommend.




If you are planning to use cloth nappies and wipes for your little one, don’t feel the pressure of using them straight away. There are other sustainable alternatives that will make your life a lot easier for the first few days while you find your feet! Kit & Kin offer easy biodegradable nappies, it's a good idea to stock up on about 20 newborn nappies.


If you’re feeling confident about using reusable nappies from the get-go, try Bambino Mios 'Misolo all-in-one' nappies that are adjustable, nicely fit newborns and adjust to grow with your baby. 


Bottle and formula

If you choose to bottle feed.



Keep your little one's tiny ears warm when leaving the hospital.


A car seat

For that exciting trip home!


Muslin squares

Bring a couple to mop up any spills or messes easily.


A natural rubber dummy

Because this may well be your baby's first true love for something in their new world.


Extra tips and resources

Now that you know our recommended essentials, you can download your hospital bag checklist here to get started on packing for your little one's arrival.


A final handy tip from us? Pack two separate bags, one for pre-birth and one for post-birth so that you can find everything quickly and easily!


Now time to go and get ready to bring your little one into the world...


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